
From Roumania Bronze "Crow" Helmets.

A bronze Celtic helmet from Canosa di Puglia, Italy.  This 4th century B.C. bronze helmet with coral inlays was found in Canosa, a small town mere n the Adriatic Sea. Its discovery proves the presence of Celts in Italy.  The helmet is contemporary with the founding of a Celtic settlement on the Adriatic north of Ancona by the tribe of the Senones who migrated from the area around Sens, in Burgundy.   The town to this day has the name Senigallia, to mean Gaul of the Senones.  These were the fierce Celts who sacked Rome and the shrines of Delphi in Greece.  We'd always bypassed Senigallia on our way to Venice from Vieste, my father's hometown, but we'd never stopped there until this year.  -I  was disappointed not to have found any remains of Celtic culture,only a luxury seaside vacation spot with charming hotels, and the  immense Rotondo del Mare, sitting right on the sea and reached by a board walk. 

These birds on these bronze Celtic helmets had beady red glass eyesemi and movable wings which flapped when the warrior charged, running to the enemy,paralyzed with fear. The wail of the carnyx, the immense bronze trumpet, also instilled panic in the enemy.