
Treasures of Sutton Hoo: Burial Ship

Archaeologists work at the Sutton Hoo site: Painstaking excavations of the burial ship led to the rewriting of Anglo-Saxon history as it emerged that craftsmen from the era were much more advanced than thought

The original length of the largest boat-burial mound at Sutton Hoo was significantly reduced as a result of extensive ploughing over the centuries, and reduced even further when a medieval trackway cut through the site. Archaeological evidence revealed that the 17th century robbers had actually tunneled into the mound on several occasions into what they believed was the center of the mound, though amazingly enough – they had missed the tomb altogether due to the rather (but fortunately for us and history) dramatic alteration in both the size and shape of the mound.

Gold Roman Solidus coin of Julius Nepus 473 - 5 AD from Sutton Hoo.