
NEWLY RELEASED The Gift from Fortuny

A Tantalizing Search for Truth and Destiny

Like the intricacy of a Fortuny gown, with its thousands of pleats—each one its own story—this novel takes the reader to the streets and canals of Venice in the late 1940s, affluent Los Angeles in the 1980s and the ancient cities of Granada and Seville. Weaving its way through family sagas, flamenco dance, the sub-culture of Spanish gypsies and lyricism of Italian opera, it brings together a fascinating and disparate collection of characters whose lives are surprisingly and disarmingly intertwined.

                                        Pamela Fiori, former editor of Town & Country magazine.  

Praise for The Gift from Fortuny

In the same way Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence masterfully evokes a lost Manhattan of Wharton’s youth, Stanfill’s The Gift from Fortuny conjures Los Angeles in 1984 in an equally trenchant, portrait of social ambition.

Into this world that knows “the price of everything and value of nothing” (to quote Mr. Wilde) Terry Stanfill introduces us to a protagonist erupting with yearnings for authenticity, one as poignantly alive as any Chekhovian heroine.

Demetra Killingsworth carries us into an archetypal adventure exploring the very essence and construct of identity.  It's a riveting read.  The author allows one to live languidly within every luscious, layered moment... until she boldly yanks away the veil.  When truth is revealed, it is as translucent as a Venetian sky.

Manfred Flynn Kuhnert

I greatly enjoyed reading The Gift from Fortuny by Terry Stanfill. The author handles her material with skill and authenticity and has given us an enthralling story. Highly recommended.                                                  

Mollie Norwich

I have voyaged over seas, continents and time with author Terry Stanfill through her books, The Blood Remembers and Realms of Gold.  In her newest novel, The Gift from Fortuny, her travels lead the reader from Los Angeles to Andalusia, Spain and to the Venice of Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo, as Stanfill guides us on this remarkable journey in search of knowledge and truth.

Hutton Wilkinson.

In Terry Stanfill’s latest novel, The Gift from Fortuny, a white Delphos gown, designed by the Spaniard, Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo, anchors this scintillating tale which unfolds like the many scenes of an opéra fantastique.  We transcend eras and places in a complex quest to capture the spirit of a young woman’s journey toward self-discovery and realization-- from the social layering of Los Angeles to the Venice of Fortuny and the flamenco of Andalusia.  The author’s prose and her attention to detail first draw us into this novel where we remain until a finale where the strands of the plot are drawn together in a memorable conclusion, one which remains long after the story is told.

Eric T. Haskell Professor Emeritus of French Studies and Interdisciplinary Humanities
Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académique
Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des 
Scripps College Claremont University Consortium, California